Kualoa Ranch Photographer || Han

Kualoa Ranch Photographer at Kualoa Regional Park

Kualoa Ranch Photographer

Would you look at this gorgeous family?  I mean, come on guys! I was literally (and still am) dying over the Han Families gallery!  When I met with them at Kualoa Regional Park the evening of our session I was seriously questioning if we should even have their session.  Of course, the weather app said no rain in Kaneohe but as I pulled into the park rain drops starting splattering on my windshield!

Christine wanted to go ahead and head over to the docks and atleast and I’m so glad I agreed with her!  Since we all were already there the worst that would happen was that we would get rained on.  We headed on the little adventure- it is an almost 10 minute walk along the shore line to the secret island with the breathtaking views from the docks.  It actually drizzled the entire time we were together but it didn’t affect our session at all! The clouds hugged the top of the mountains and I was a little worried about how the haze would look in their images but I actually love it! It adds a little bit of drama, in my option and some of the mountains are still visible!

What I loved most about this family is their interaction with each other.  I suggested different things for interaction and it just all seemed so natural to them.  Of course we had lots of hugs, kisses, and tickle fights!  You can see the highlights for our time together below!

Kualoa Ranch PhotographerKualoa Ranch PhotographerKualoa Ranch PhotographerKualoa Ranch PhotographerOahu family photographerKualoa Ranch Photographer


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DeWhitt Family

Alegria Family

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